After the drywallers finished this is what the family room ceiling looked like.

We added a coat of primer to all of the new drywall last Saturday....

And on Sunday we painted all of the ceilings and closets.

6.5 gallons of primer and paint later...

After one coat of paint. The picture doesn't do the new paint justice -- it's wonderful to have a real ceiling again (with lights, too)!
Power room ceiling with finished drywall.

And after one coat of primer and one coat of paint. We obviously still have some work to do on the walls, but the powder room renovation is another project. At least we have a fan!
Knee wall with finished drywall. We have real corners! We were also very please with how they transitioned to the old wall.
This is after one coat of primer. Painting the hallway is another project.

No more nail pops at the top of the steps!

The old closet door location.
Good-bye door!

Real corners where the new closet meets the old ceiling.
The larger of the two closets.
After a coat of primer.
Almost seemless -- we just need to pick a paint color for the bedroom to finish the new closets.
The smaller closet.
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