We have been talking about building a shed in the backyard since shortly after we moved into the house but other projects, deciding where to put it, and the debate of building ourselves vs. paying someone else to do it for us took some time. At Easter we drove home through Amish country and looked at some shed options. We couldn't beat the prices and options so we took a few days to work out all of the specifics and placed the order.
About two weeks before the shed arrived Andy had 3 tons of stone delivered...
We located the shed with the required setbacks for code and then Andy leveled out the area and placed all of the stone.
With the pad area prepped we were ready for the shed.
I wasn't sure what to expect when three guys arrived with the shed mostly built on the back of a truck. They took the walls apart and completed the entire construction in just over 2 HOURS! I couldn't take pictures fast enough! This would have taken us weeks to build ourselves and we wouldn't have saved a significant amount of money either.
Here is the floor...
With the plywood installed...
They wheeled each of the walls back through the fence and assembled the building.
They brought the roof joists but installed the joists, plywood, and shingles on-site.
And two hours later we had this 10'x14' board and batten, pine shed that should weather to a gray color like the fence. We are very pleased and Andy promptly filled it (almost!)
It's really not very full (10'x14' is pretty big!). We have plans for some shelving, maybe a small work bench, and some pegboards, but it is nice to have all of this stuff out of our garage.
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