We got rid of the blue (almost)! I still have to paint the bilco doors to the basement, but at least the shutters and mailbox are looking better.
Andy took down all of the shutters about a little over a week ago and I scrubbed them all down with the powerwasher. While I waited for them to dry I got out all of the paint supplies and setup an area in the driveway to do the painting. As soon as the first round was dry it started to rain. We made a quick dash into the garage with everything, but it still got wet. After some additional drying time I was able to get the first coat on. I used a Wagner paint sprayer and it was fantastic. Very few drips, much faster than a brush, and definitely a better look. I'm a sucker for some good Before and After shots.
We got rid of the blue storm door too. We will replace it eventually, but for now we are fine without a storm door.
Painting setup in the garage.
Second coat just about dry. Please don't look too hard around the garage -- it's mess complete with miter saw, yoga mat (in case painting gets too stressful) and a few future projects like some light fixtures that we need to hang, drywall for the bathroom ceiling, and a small table to be refinished.
And we couldn't have all newly painted shutters with a blue mailbox. The mailbox is old and not in the best condition, but we figure it has a little bit of life left while we finish some other projects and find a good replacement. I've decided that mailbox shopping is extremely boring (unless of course you are into a duck shaped mailbox or other crazy designs -- we are into the more boring standard mailbox shape). The screws that attach the mailbox to the post are rusted in place this thing was going to get painted exactly where it is. I'm not about all the mailbox needing to match the shutters, so we went with some Oil Rubbed Bronze spray paint. It was an easy $7 upgrade.

After I removed the flag, but before a good scrubbing. FYI I grew up with a mail slot in the door (no mailbox). It was always fun to see if the dog could startle the mailman when he delivered the mail through the slot, but this red flag concept was foreign to me. I love the dirt outline of the flag -- I didn't even notice until I was looking through the pictures.
After a good scrubbing and a light sanding it was just about ready for some paint.
Our neighbors probably think we have some weird obsession with old newspapers. We put them down in our flower beds and tape them around our mailbox. This was the third time in the past two weeks that I had to wave to neighbors while sorting newspapers in my front yard.
After the first coat.
The finished product.