Thursday, May 3, 2012


We had our share of problems with the cabinets and counter tops that we ordered from Home Depot.  We are very please with the final product, but the process was extremely painful. It took a good bit of effort on our part for them to finally get it right (like reordering the linen cabinet 3 TIMES!.  Not only did it create a lot of loading and unloading of a giant cabinet, Home Depot didn't take back any of the ones that were wrong so we ended up with extra cabinets (without the doors)).  

One of the first problems was that they did not finish the ends of the backsplashes that match the counter.  Instead of having us return the first ones that they sent us to be finished they just sent us new ones (after 2 attempts).  That left us with extra material. 

This is what the sent us the first time (the darker one one top).  See anything different? Length? Thickness? COLOR???

Andy stayed in a hotel in Switzerland where the threshold between the bedroom and bathroom matched the countertops.  We figured it was worth a try to see if we could cut down the leftover backsplash and use it as a threshold.

Andy tried taking thin slivers off the length but it would have taken forever and was difficult to keep flush with the blade.  

Instead he made a lot of cuts across the bottom and them knocked out all of the small pieces with a hammer.

Installed!  I just need to clean the floors.  We will have new carpet installed in the bedroom once all of the upstairs painting and renovations are complete.

With the floor completely finished Andy was able to clean the floor with a haze remover to get off some of the additional grout and then seal it.  

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