When Andy did the electric work for the bathroom he installed wiring for three outlets: one behind each vanity and one in the linen closet so that we could leave my hairdryer and his shaver plugged in but not out on the counter. We wanted the outlets behind the vanities to be horizontal instead of vertical and it was easier to place them after the drywall was done and vanities were in place so we could get them exactly where we wanted them.
Cutting a hole in the new wall!

Searching for and locating the new wiring.

Ready to go!

I guess this is Andy's challenge to the Manning family. Diagonal screw alignment? Anyone? Anyone? (Bueller? Bueller?)

After we figured out where we wanted the new outlet in the cabinet Andy drilled holes around the permitter of the new location. (I'm so glad he's comfortable cutting into our brand new cabinets!)

Found the new wiring and pulled it into the cabinet.

All set and ready for shelves. We are using the bathroom and the new outlet in the linen cabinet is great! Unfortunately, we had a hard drive crash so I'll have to put the finished picture in another post. The good new is that once the new drive arrives we should be able to recover most of our data from the busted drive and our backup.